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Why You Need a “Why” – Adam Tank

why you need a why

Why You Need a “Why”

Adam Tank is a entrepreneur who has found a passion for helping change the world in more ways than you can imagine. Finding his “why” helps him continue to change the world through water robotics, business coaching in prisons, and being a parent in the foster care system. Adam gives us advice on why you need a “why” and how to help you see people for who they truly are, challenge expectations, and become an entrepreneur.

If you liked this episode, check out Season 1 Ep. 26: Be the Change David Marquis and The River Always Wins  

why you need a why

The Water Challenge

The Big Problem

Adam was inclined towards technology solving challenging problems, especially in the water industry. He tries to bring products and services to the masses that are going to make a meaningful difference in people lives. When is the last time you thought about what it takes to get clean water to your house? No one thinks about that especially in developed economies. The infrastructure that brings us clean water and takes dirty water away is extremely complex. In the process, over 30% of the water that is treated for our consumption is lost in between the treatment plants and our homes. It either leaks underground because of buried pipes, or it is stolen or inaccurately measured. That is a big problem.


Our infrastructure is struggling. The things that were designed 50 years ago that made our lives incredible were never designed for the populations that we have now. 

Most of the pipes that were put underground were put in place in the 40s and 50s. They had about a 40-50 year lifespan. Now we are 70-80 years into that lifespan, and everything is breaking and cracking. This leads to more water loss. So, anything we can do to help the utilities, the ones in charge of delivering clean water to homes and businesses, is a win for everyone involved. Especially us as taxpayers.

Enabling the World

How do we enable the world to have more clean water? The way Adam is working towards that is working with a software company that designs this water infrastructure instantly using artificial intelligence. Previously, it would take hundreds, if not thousands of hours to design these unbelievably complex assets. However, with software you can do it in hours. It enables engineers, utilities, and people responsible for building this stuff to do it in a better, faster and more sustainable way. This brings water to the masses.



why you need a why

Business Coaching in Prisons

A Safe Space

We have all made mistakes in our life, we have all made bad decisions. We will continue to make mistakes and wrong decisions. We have all been hurt by other’s mistakes or decisions. However,, it is important to remember that the person is not their behavior. Being and creating a psychological safe space for people enables you to seperate the person from their behvior. You will realize that although the person is creating the behvior, the person and the behavior are not the same thing. We have the choice. We can choose to be whatever we want to to be. We have to allow a safe space for others to have that choice too.

Intimidation Factor

When Adam is in a prison, the first question the facilitator typically asks is “Who here is nervous?”. What you find is that in many cases the inmates are just as nervous, if not more nervous, to meet with you than you are with them. There is this sort of dialouge that is created in this environement that it is not a safe space to share your thoughts. There is no emotional connectoin.  

If you shared that stuff, you got beat up physically or metaphorically. However, when you walk in you realize we are all on the same page. We want to help each other. As much as you can help them think about the world in a different way, the inmate can help you see the world in a different way too.

Challenging Expectations

Expectations can put us into boxes that we may not want to be in, or at least stay in. Challenging them can be one of the hardest things to do. This comes through changing our mindset and realizing it is okay to live the life you want to live. You don’t need permission from anyone to just go do it. 

why you need a why


why you need a why

Foster Care

In This Together

If you are in a position where you can be someone who gives of themselves, of their time, their talents, energy finances, etc, then you should. You have one life to live, other people may not have it as easy as you. Why noth help others out? We are all in this together. It doesn’t matter where you are. Humanity, at the end of the day all wants the same things. We want to be happy, healthy, someone to love, people to take care of. That’s what go Adam into foster care. 

Having Kids

When Adam and his wife got married, they new they wanted to have kids, and start a family. However family could mean anything. There is a wide range of what a family truly is. They decided they had the resource to be able to help where they can so they decided to put adoption on the table. The more they got into adoption the more they foudn that the foster system is broken, and there is an unbelieveable need. They decided they had the space, the time, and the resources, so they decided to go for it. It turned out to be an amazing journey for them. 

Becoming Childlike

One of the biggest lessons Adam learned was to become childlike. In working in an orphanage in Mexico, he realized that you don’t need a lot to be happy. These kids don’t have a parent aroudn and are being taken care of by another entity. They had nothing, everything stripped from them. However, they were the happiest  kids on the planet. That goes for the kids in foster care. These kids of have come from the most hellish situations and they are just the happiest kids in the world. That just goes to show that no matter how bad it is, it’s going to be okay. There is always a silver lining. It is just all about perspective. In the entreprenuer world, there is not enough of that. You have to go back to “why are you doing this in the first place?”. So you had to miss a meeting. It’s not the end of the world. things are going to be okay. Regardless of how bad things may seen there is always something beneifical. There is always something you can move past, get over, and get through. 


Photo credits: Photo by Daniel Sinoca on Unsplash, Photo by Medienstürmer on Unsplash, Photo by Liane Metzler on Unsplash


head shot Miriam Gunn

If you are curious to know more about how I can help you achieve your business or life goals, please contact me: Miriam@leavebetter.com

As someone who has been a therapist for over a decade and has been coaching people for over three decades, I am uniquely qualified to join you on your quest for seeking the best version of you possible.

The Importance of Identity – Miriam Gunn

headshot of Miriam Gunn, Business Made Simple Certified Coach

The Importance of Identity

the importance of identity

Why Coaching?

When to Get One

When do you get a coach? Do you wait until everything’s on fire, and you really need some help, or is it when you have the self-awareness to try and get help sooner? Sometimes it is a mixture. I always say if you wanna learn how to play the piano or the cello or hit a baseball or whatever, you can do it on your own for sure. However you can like 2x, 3x, or 10 x that when you have a coach. 

the importance of identity

The Why

With a coach you can make exponential growth. Instead of one plus one. It’s 1, 10, 20, a hundred. Coaching gives you the opportunity to 10 x yourself. Sometimes people look at progress in a linear fashion and they’re moving along and they’re getting better and better at X.  Like for example, getting better and better at playing the piano. And sometimes a coach will come in and say, have you ever considered the cello? That person had never considered the cello, but maybe they’re uniquely designed for that, and all of a sudden they just take off.


the importance of identity

Importance of Identity

Imposter Syndrome

Self-confidence and imposter syndrome show up for everybody at some point in their life, and usually it’s when people push into that next level. I remember the first time I did a podcast. There’s the first time you do your own interview and there’s the first time you are interviewed. Each one of those come with these feelings of, “I don’t know if I know how to do this” and that’s imposter syndrome. Then you take the action and you learn from it and suddenly it doesn’t get you in that same space anymore. Then you end up having confidence and you end up having this ability to say “I can do that.” Because now your identity has shifted a little bit.

The Next You

Within business and high performing, whenever you wanna make a new leap into the next version of yourself, you have to work with your identity. The identity is weird because you’re not always aware of what’s happening in your thoughts. 


Some of these thoughts happen in a millisecond and you have to actually train yourself to hear what is happening between your thoughts. You have to get to the identity of I can make it happen. Some people have that identity in spades and other people have to develop that

Driving Actions

What are you thinking? What is your mindset? What are the values that drive your actions? Those are usually habits. I find that if you can get people to assess the actions they’re doing today that are contributing to the life they have right now. Those actions were usually created about six months earlier in terms of their view of themselves, their identity. It takes time to develop those but once you look back, you see the growth and changes you have made. That is what helps you change the identity to something you want it to be. 

the importance of identity

Changing Mindset

What Are You Thinking?

What you tell yourself matter. It impacts how you see yourself. What you think really impacts what you do. What you do impacts how you feel. What you feel impacts how you think. It is a cycle that goes around and around until something breaks it. Sometimes what breaks it is as simple as a question. Where do you wanna be in six months or a year, or five years, or 10 years? What are the actions that you need to do to get you there? What is the mindset that’s getting in the way of doing those actions?

the importance of identity

Action Then Confidence 

A lot of people want to feel confident first and then take action. However it usually happens in the opposite way. You take action and then the confidence follows. You need to take that first step. Even if it is just a small step, it gets you moving in the right direction. It may seem daunting, but it gives you that slight nudge to just start. Then determine what success is. Success is not determined by completing X, but by starting X. If it’s a workout, your success is not determined by, “did I work out for 40 minutes doing this or that?” The success is “did I change my clothes, put on my shoes and drive to the gym?” Did I start? Because usually if you start, your brain will say, you’ve already spent this time to get here, we may as well finish it.



head shot Miriam Gunn

If you are curious to know more about how I can help you achieve your business or life goals, please contact me: Miriam@leavebetter.com

As someone who has been a therapist for over a decade and has been coaching people for over three decades, I am uniquely qualified to join you on your quest for seeking the best version of you possible.

How to Improve Family Dynamics – Todd Williams


How to Improve Family Dynamics

Todd Williams

Welcome to another episode of The LeaveBetter Podcast  where I interview high performers and business owners, gleaning from their wisdom, practical routines, habits, and mindsets.

In season 2 episode 33, we are pleased to have Todd Williams, a business owner who works with his wife to help families better understand each other and their family dynamics.

In this episode, we talk about success, failures, and different dynamics, in business and family.  Learn how to overcome roadblocks and grow together. Enjoy!

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts, or wherever podcasts are found.

*Before you go—Sign up for my newsletter at Leavebetter.com.  Once a week, wisdom and practicality in your inbox.

Remember: The actions you take (or do not take) today set you up for six months from now. Make sure you do something today that pushes you toward that next level of you.


The transcript of this episode.

[00:01:15] Intro to Todd
[00:04:27] What is Family Paramount?
[00:08:36] Monetization
[00:13:51] Generation to Generation
[00:18:53] Todd’s Mission
[00:23:19] Skill Sets and Failures
[00:26:34] Approaching Failure
[00:30:36] Habits, Actions, and Failures
[00:34:34] Roadblocks
[00:36:37] Shedrick Wildlife Fund

Music by Tom Sherlock  

Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

All LeaveBetter Podcast episodes can be found here.


Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts, or wherever podcasts are found.

head shot Miriam Gunn

If you are curious to know more, please contact me!

As someone who has been a therapist for over a decade and has been coaching people for over three decades, I am uniquely qualified to address your concerns.

Self-Improvement: Succeed at Being You

elizabeth galperin

Self-Improvement: Succeed at Being You

Everyone is looking to succeed whether that is in their career, in school, or at home. Wherever you want to find success, there is one essential thing that is needed. You need to understand who you are, where your limits lie, and where you want to go. Elisabeth Galperin gives us guidance on mindset shifts, communication, confidence, and envisioning the future. These tips direct you to succeed at being you!

balance your body for a healthier you

Mindset Shifts


Thoughts are very powerful things that can inhibit us or help us. We have millions of thoughts every day. Some good, some bad, so neutral. Changing your mindset begins with your thoughts. Just because a thought exists, doesn’t mean that we have to believe it or allow it to stay in our heads. Journaling can be a huge tool for changing your thoughts and your mindset. Journaling is very powerful in taking a thought and making it concrete on paper. Use “I” statements to put yourself in the identity you want, and write it down. This makes it a more solid idea. Spend time with your thoughts and you’ll learn a lot. 

being you

Don’t Stop

There are so many people out in the world and there are so many good ideas! You don’t know where something might lead. Don’t let that stop you from venturing out, taking risks, and trying out new ideas. Spend time imagining and envisioning what success looks like and where you want to go. Creating the big picture and having the vision is what gets you there quicker.  In order to have a legacy, build your business to it’s full potential, and have an imeasureable impact you have to think big!

Be Intentional

You have a lot more control over who your future self is. Be intentional with your time, with your energy, with those you interact with. They will all have an impact on how you can create and envision your future. We can do more than we think. We can fill in the map for ourselves. It is not going to go exactly according to plan, but its easier to have a plan and experience some detours than to just have a map of the unknown and see where life takes you.



being you


Self Communication

There are certain principles that hold true no matter where you are in life. Whether you are a multi-millionaire or live below the poverty line what you tell yourself matters. If you are constantly telling yourself that you are terrible at this or bad at that, then you are going to start believing that, and your success is going to be hindered. Where you look is where you go, and what you tell yourself matters. Working to create those positive thoughts and looking toward where you want to go will help you reach success, whatever that may be for you. Changing how you communicate with yourself, changes the result of where you go.

succeed at being you


Responding to Criticism

How do you communicate with others? Communication with others is an important factor when it comes to changing our own habits, adopting new strategies, and trying to run your business in a more successful way. You need the support of others around you so that you are able to make that change.  Often you will be on the receiving end of criticism, pushback, as well as positive and negative feedback. The way you respond to that is key to maintaining good communication between you and others around you. We don’t know what is going on in someone else’s world or mind. If there is criticism, we may only see it on the surface. Their words usually carry some weight and more meaning that we can’t see. Recognizing that the words someone uses has more to do with them than it does with you. Instead of shutting down or wanting to hide, be curious. Allow yourself to ask a follow-up question, and allow them to explain where that is coming from. That takes courage, and it is uncomfortable, but when we take that extra time to uncover what is actually going on, we create that safe space for people and it encourages better communication.

being you

Where to Start

Envision the Future

If you look back at the past 10 years, you would realize how much you have grown and progressed. However if you envision 10 years from now, you may just see yourself as an older version of you. However you could grow just as much as you did that past 10 years in the future. This is a mind blowing concept for people. Throughout the early part of our life, we are given this roadmapon where we should go, attend school, go to college, go to graduate schoo, get a job. At some point the plan ends, and we may not know where to go. You have the power to decide where that map takes you next. Envision what you want to be doing, and who you want to be and it will help you write that map.


Control is something we all want to have. There are many things that we don’t have contorl over. This is something that we have to learn how to cope with. We don’t have the control as much as we want over other people’s thoughts and beliefs. The measure of our success should not be whether or not everyone is happy with me all the time. 


That is an impossible expectation to maintain or reach. The measure of success needs to be “did I do my best?”. This is a powerful mindshift.  We have the most command over our own thoughts, our own actions, our own beliefs, and our own responses. Check in with yourself. If you are content with what you contributed and how you showed up, that is a great way to measure yourself.

Be Proactive

Being proactive is key to maintaining yout success. Find the objective you want to acheive. For example, if you go into a meeting with the objective of being right, you are going to be dissappointed and hurt because not everyone will agree with you. However if you go in with the objective being able to move forward and find what works best for the company or individual, you are going to come out feeling productive. Set those goals, decide what the objective is so you are able to manage your own expectations and be productive rather than feeling hurt or disappointed.

The transcript of this episode.

Photo credits: martin-engel-crblx-CmCns-unsplash.jpg. Photo by Tobi: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-stands-on-brown-pathway-631986/

head shot Miriam Gunn

If you are curious to know more about how I can help you achieve your business or life goals, please contact me: Miriam@leavebetter.com

As someone who has been a therapist for over a decade and has been coaching people for over three decades, I am uniquely qualified to join you on your quest for seeking the best version of you possible.

Three Steps to a Healthier You

Dr. Mike Van Theilen on a healthier you

Three Steps to a Healthier You

Three steps to a healthier you—Everyone is always looking for ways to become a healthier version of themselves. Dr. Mike Van Thielen gives some advice on the LeaveBetter Podcast with Miriam Gunn. How to get there, how to stay there, how to optimize. With his education in holistic nutrition, Dr. Mike provides ways to regain control of your health and become a healthier version of you. He also shares information about Biohacking and how it contributes to these three steps:

Step 1: Balance your Body

Step 2: Optimize Your Health

Step 3: Maximize the Benfits of Biohacking

balance your body for a healthier you

Step One: Balance Your Body

Your Normal

The first step to balancing your body is to find your “normal.” We want to find the place where you are not in any pain, and you are able to reduce the medical conditions you may currently have. According to Dr. Mike, there is one cause of disease and there is one solution. You have to find that solution. To do that we have to look at the bigger picture.


Toxemia encapsulates all the toxins in our blood that may contribute to us feeling fatigued or lethargic. Dr. Theilen feels you need to keep the toxemia in check by decreasing the intake and exposure to toxins, while increasing our intake of nutrients that fight damage. “You want to increase our intake of nutrient rich foods and decrease our intake of foods that don’t contribute to our health, like foods with a high sugar content.”

Dopamine Overload

We also need to balance our hormones. Dopamine is the reward hormone, and makes us feel good. However, because of sugary foods, social media, and other distractions, we can have a dopamine overload. 

This causes the rest of our hormones in our body to be unbalanced. This can cause fatigue, lathergy, and brain fog. Because we feel tired and lethargic, we reach out for sugar, coffee, energy drinks that helps us feel that dopamine. It becomes a viscious cycle. We need to become aware of what is causing the fatige and the brain fog, and work to eliminate or reduce it.

Eliminating Fatigue

Create an envrionment for you to focus on what you are doing. Create a system that works for you, you are the expert on what works for you. If you are working, set a time for 20 minutes and after that timer goes off, give yourself a 5 minute break.

There are different supplements that can balance your hormones and help you be more focussed.

Try different techniques and see what works best for you, where you are at, and what you are doing.



optimize your health for a healthier you

Step 2: Optimize Your Health

Your Freedom

We have the freedom to choose a healthier path. Our body and mind respond to things in so many ways, but we have the freedom to choose our response. “We have become slaves of choosing the wrong response,” says Dr. Thielen. This is the first step of optimizing our health, choosing our response to a positive, non-addictive response.

Once you practice turning those unhealthy habits into healthy habits, you feel less fatigued, and have more energy. You start becoming addicted to not feeling fatigued and feeling full of energy and vitality.



healthier you



Once we start trying to change those unhealthy habits to healthy habits, it can be hard to persevere and get to the point we want to go. It is about longevity. it comes down to sleep, exercise, nutrition, and then supplementation.

These all feed into each other in a positive way or a negative way. Those are the basics that we want to start with and maintain consistencey with.

Where are you at in your life right now?

Take a second to slow down and really think about where you are at with the basics, and that will help you find out where you need/want to go next and what habits you want to change.

Changing the Habits

There are three steps to changing your habits:

1. Knowledge: What is the problem? Where is the problem coming from?

2. Acquiring the skills: Skills are necessary to change the habit.

3. Be Willing: if you aren’t willing to work hard, you aren’t willing to change the habit. It can only come from you. No one else can do it for you. Find why you want to change the habit and that will   help you persevere and get through the tough spots.

biohacking for a healthier you

Step 3: Maximize the Benefits of Biohacking

Biohacking Explained

Biohacking is just what it sounds like—We have access to technologies, techniques, and compounds that can objectively reverse your biological age.

There are a lot of benefits that can be seen from biohacking. However, in order to see that success, you have to regain control of your health. This is why this is step three, rather than step one.

You cannot maximize the benefits of biohacking without first balancing your body, then optimizing your health.

Many of the techniques go back to the foundational things of sleep, nutrition, exercise, and supplementation.

There are many things that you can do with those basic things, that don’t cost money, and don’t take a lot of work. For example, cryotherapy, using cold temperatures to promotes muscle healing and reduce inflammation, doesn’t have to be something you go and pay for. You can do it in the tub, or by taking a cold shower.

Dr. Thieln also takes biohacking compounds that work to promote biohacking. There are many different things you can do.


Remember, success comes little-by-little and every small increment counts!

If you set those little steps, you are going to be able to achieve your big goals. You won’t get there with big steps.

Find your why, and remember it while you are taking the three steps to a healthier you.

You CAN do it if you have the will power to try. Small steps in any healthy direction.

To learn more visit Dr. Mike’s website, biohackingunlimited.com


healthier you

Photo credits: Photo by Vitalii Pavlyshynets on Unsplash, photo by Braňo on Unsplash

head shot Miriam Gunn

If you are curious to know more about how I can help you achieve your business or life goals, please contact me: Miriam@leavebetter.com

As someone who has been a therapist for over a decade and has been coaching people for over three decades, I am uniquely qualified to join you on your quest for seeking the best version of you possible.

Ending Horse Slaughter in the United States—Gentle Giants (Christine Hajek)

Horses and Nonprofit

Christine Hajek

Christine Hajek (horses)

Welcome to another episode of The LeaveBetter Podcast  where I interview high performers and business owners, gleaning from their wisdom, practical routines, habits, and mindsets.

In season 2 episode 30, we are pleased to have Christine Hajek – founder of Gentle Giants, a nonprofit organization that rescues horses from slaughter, abuse, and neglect.

In this episode, we talk about the issues threatening horses, some ins and outs of nonprofits, and fostering goodness. Enjoy!

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts, or wherever podcasts are found.

*Before you go—Sign up for my newsletter at Leavebetter.com.  Once a week, wisdom and practicality in your inbox.

Remember: The actions you take (or do not take) today set you up for six months from now. Make sure you do something today that pushes you toward that next level of you.


The transcript of this episode.

[00:00:47] Christine’s Journey to Horses
[00:03:58] Starting Gentle Giants
[00:08:31] Clean Slate
[00:11:23] Business Structure
[00:14:21] Fostering Goodness
[00:18:02] Making a Difference
[00:21:42] Horse Slaughter 
[00:25:11] Understanding the Issue
[00:28:41] Responsibility
[00:30:54] The Non-Profit Sector 
[00:35:14] Relationship with Money
[00:38:12] Horse Story
[00:40:56] Where to Find Christine

Where to find Christine:

Christine Hajek:
Tik Tok
Gentle Giants
Dan Pallotta TED talk
Charity Case

Music by Tom Sherlock  

Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

All LeaveBetter Podcast episodes can be found here.


Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts, or wherever podcasts are found.

head shot Miriam Gunn

If you are curious to know more, please contact me!

As someone who has been a therapist for over a decade and has been coaching people for over three decades, I am uniquely qualified to address your concerns.