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The LeaveBetter Blog

The LeaveBetter Blog is happy to bring you both the latest blog posts, as well as the podcast transcripts. Enjoy! 

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Emotions and Entrepreneurs

Emotions and Entrepreneurs If you are an entrepreneur or someone who is entrepreneurially minded, you know the complicated dance you have with your emotions. I write this as a business owner and human—one full of emotions that influence the decisions and actions I...

Introverts and Self-Sabotage-Transcript

Introverts and Self-Sabotage Introverts and self-sabotage in the corporate world. I am so excited to have Jennifer Marcou here with us today. Jennifer is a leadership coach who helps emerging leaders find and use their voice scale, their leadership, and then find...

3 Ways To Sabotage Your Business

3 Ways to Sabotage Your Business You know your business can achieve more, but you also know you are being roadblocked.  What is getting in your way?  A myriad of factors, but in the end, they all boil down to you.  In other words, you sabotage your business by the...

Ways Women Sabotage Themselves at Work

As I have spent time coaching within the corporate sphere, I have unfortunately noted that there are several ways women sabotage themselves at work. In addition, women still are not being treated as equals, I think contributing to the problem. There have been huge...

Why Should I Hire a Business Made Simple Coach?

If you are a business owner seeking to increase your focus and boost your business, chances are you have heard of the Business Made Simple program. You may have even enrolled in it and started to make the changes necessary to increase your business health. A common...

Reduce Sales Sabotage by Improving Your Customer’s Journey

  Get results—for YOU and your company! Reduce Sales Sabotage by Creating A Better Customer Experience  How to Reduce Sales Sabotage by Improving Your Customer's Journey   Wondering how to reduce sales sabotage by improving your customer's journey? Regardless of...

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