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 Tina Greenbaum

Tina Greenbaum

[00:00:00] Miriam: All right today. I am so excited to have with us. Tina Greenbaum. Thank you so much for being here. I appreciate your time. You have a coaching company- Mastery Under Pressure. You’re working with high performing executives, mastering their interpersonal and inter -departmental. Skills. So you’re a licensed psychotherapist and a professional sports psychology consultant.

[00:00:23] And I’m excited to hear you explain how being good at your profession doesn’t necessarily make job. You’ve also written a book Mastery Under Pressure. We’re gonna get into all of that. Welcome to the leave better podcast.

[00:00:37] Tina: Thank you. Thanks so much, Miriam. Thank you for having me. I really appreciate it.

[00:00:41] Miriam: So before we get into the meat of things, if you don’t mind, just telling me a little bit about your backstory, kind of orient us around who you are and where you spend your time and energy.

[00:00:50] Tina Intro.

[00:00:50] Miriam: Okay. So okay. So who am I? I love that question. cuz I’m very, I have many different roles professionally.

[00:00:58] Tina: I am a licensed clinical [00:01:00] social worker. I’m really a social worker, you know, it’s, it’s the basis of social work is the interface between the person and their environment. And so I have a mission statement that in order to change, you know, your company, everything else, you need to ch you need to work on yourself.

[00:01:18] And so I. I love the combination. I’m a, I’m a connector at heart. And I, I see all the different pieces that, that people including myself need to work on. So I started out working. My first job was working on an eating disorders unit at the Washington hospital center in Washington, DC. And I tell the story that they, nobody had ever treated eating disorders before.

[00:01:40] This is almost 40 years ago and they handed us a manual and it said eating dis, it said, alcoholism. Crossed it out and put eating disorders and then they said, there you go. And I just finished doing a TEDx talk. I don’t know about you, but I really like being successful and I wasn’t being successful.

[00:01:59] I used to [00:02:00] say to the young women, I hear you. But I don’t feel you. And if I don’t feel you intuitively, I knew that you weren’t gonna change.

[00:02:07] Because the body holds all the memory and this combination of the mind and the body do work together. And my traditional therapy training was, I was like a talking head. But I wasn’t being successful in changing. And so my first job was at a I mean, my first clue to getting below the neck was at a yoga class where I was in the state of Shivasina.

[00:02:28] And you know, that, that pose where you’re just at the end of a class and, and my body was so quiet. My mind was so clear and I said, wow, if I could just get these young women to do this, maybe they wouldn’t need their eating disorder. Because in my experience, all addictions are anxiety based. And so if I could quiet down the anxiety, perhaps they could, you know, they could change.

[00:02:48] So my whole career has really been about how do I get under the conscious mind? And so all the trainings that I’ve taken have that in common. You know, EMDR[00:03:00] tapping integrated caballistic healing matrix, energetics.

[00:03:04] I had breast cancer and I created a program called cancer dancer, and I love experiential work. So every time I’d get through a. A portion of my journey. I could then teach it. Couldn’t teach it before and I couldn’t teach it during, but I could teach it afterwards.

[00:03:21] And then. Started working with my husband who teaches tennis. And he had a young player who would said to him, you know, my husband said to him, he says, you gotta go out there.

[00:03:29] You gotta be aggressive. You gotta be confident. And I said, that’s great. I said, he just doesn’t have a clue how to do it. Yeah. But I know how to teach him how to do it. So that started this Tennis to the Max and then that evolved into Mastery Under Pressure, where I moved into working with business people and leaders and all kinds of.

[00:03:49] Miriam: Wow. It’s like somebody’s life in four minutes or less.

[00:03:53] Your training initially was with people who were on the opposite end of that pendulum mm-hmm . And what [00:04:00] sort of things did you have to change in your mindset to be able to change who you’re working with?

[00:04:07] Mindset Shift

[00:04:07] Tina: Well, it’s a great question because. One of the very first things, you know, anybody that gets into this field and that’s really good at it. You have to have a level of emotional intelligence. You have to be empathic and empathic means I can jump into your shoes and I can see the world from your point of view, which is a great trait to have, except you can get swallowed up in it.

[00:04:28] Yes. If you’re not, if you, if you’re not careful about your boundaries. And so I had a. A supervisor very, very early on in my training. And she said, oh, Tina, she said, you’re never gonna survive. And she said, if you’re in the problem with your client, you are absolutely no good to them. Cuz now you’ve got two people that are just as depressed and nobody helping nobody helping the other one.

[00:04:50] And so I never forgot that. Not with my kids, not with my clients, not with whoever I work with. I always have to be outside of the problem. so that I [00:05:00] can see the issue in a way that I can help them find the path. Yeah. So it really didn’t matter who I was working with because as you started saying this very beginning, we all have a backstory.

[00:05:12] And so when I started to recognize no matter who you were. No matter how high up you were, no matter how successful, no matter how much money you made, you know, we all have a story.

[00:05:22] Nobody escapes life. Right. And so as I began to start to see no matter who you were, no matter how down you were, there was always this gem that you had, not yet. ignited Yeah. You know, and if I could help you to do that, then you’re on your way.

[00:05:39] Miriam: There you go.

[00:05:40] Sports Psychology

[00:05:40] Miriam: So jump in with the piece about the sports psychology and the high performers, because there are, there seem to be many links between those two things.

[00:05:49] Tina: Yes I have three sons and my two younger ones were very, very competitive soccer players. And my youngest one went really pretty far. He, he was, had the [00:06:00] potential to be a professional player. And so I used to say, I don’t know a lot about soccer, but I know a lot about psychology and when I would watch them.

[00:06:07] Particularly, you know, it’s, it’s the end of the end of a match and you know, it’s zero, zero. And my son is in front of the goal, you know, kicking a, a penalty kick. I don’t need to teach him how to kick. He knows how to kick, you know, it’s the mental side, like, what does he need to know in order to be able to manage this high stress situation?

[00:06:28] And so, because in soccer actually, You know, the person who’s kicking the ball should, should win because the goal is much bigger than the, than the goalie. And so I started to kind of study sports psychology, and I said, wow, focus, relaxation, you know, dealing with negative self talk, how to visualize, dealing with fear.

[00:06:48] These are all things that are part of my bandwidth you know, getting into that deep state of meditation, which is what I was talking about before. And so. Sports psychology in its essence [00:07:00] is really spiritual work. So there is no difference. Really it’s really learning how to be in the moment, how to quiet down those thoughts.

[00:07:09] It was just a very natural mix for me, cuz it didn’t matter if you were a high pressured athlete or a corporate leader. I lived in DC for a long time. So I dealt with the lawyers.

[00:07:19] You know, heavy duty, high powered lawyers and big egos and I mean, just crazy, crazy stuff. And then living in New York with actors, dancers, performers, you know, you’re in New York, you’re competing

[00:07:33] in a Broadway show or, you know, as a ballet dancer, you’re at the peak, this is the Olympics. It doesn’t get any bigger than this. Yeah. So all these things are, are all transferable skills in my mind. And so it doesn’t matter if it’s women with eating disorders and working with the things that tennis players need to know and so on, but the inner game.

[00:07:56] It’s all the same.

[00:07:57] Truth is Truth

[00:07:57] Miriam: It’s the same. I love that. You’re saying [00:08:00] this because the inner game is the same. I was telling someone the other day I work mostly with business owners and I was saying, you know, it is, it’s a game. It is a game with actual rules. And so much of what I think about these veins of thinking are if you follow the road, they all lead back to the same place.

[00:08:21] Tina: Absolutely. They do like truth is truth. And then truth is truth. You know, you dress it up in whatever kind of clothing is right for that particular discipline.

[00:08:29] I would really like to hear more about how you help people with their negative self talk.

[00:08:35] I have something on my YouTube channel. It’s, it’s a series about this and it’s called positive thinking is highly overrated. And you might think that’s a little crazy, but when you think about changing your thoughts to something like, , I’m gonna make a million dollars.

[00:08:51] The affirmations where you’re repeating something. But there’s another part of you that’s quietly saying, no, you gotta be kidding. Mm-hmm that’s not really not [00:09:00] gonna happen. Mm-hmm so if we’re not careful and we don’t really know the whole piece, there’s a part that may sabotage that positive thinking.

Productive Thinking

[00:09:09] So I like to call it productive thinking. Yeah. Do my thoughts produce something useful for me? Let’s just say. I’m getting ready to give this, this talk with you. And I say, God, you know, I’m really tired. And I had a really didn’t sleep well last night. And I don’t know if I could do this and well, just by the sound of my voice and the energy level that I have, I need to ask myself, I need to tune in first.

[00:09:40] Right. And you know this from, from your work as well. Awareness is everything. Yeah. How am I talking to myself? Yeah. Well, is this talk gonna take me to a good interview? No, I don’t think so. Okay. So how can I change it? What do I need to do to shift [00:10:00] those, those words? To give me the energy that I need to be able to do?

[00:10:04] Well, what’s the good news about doing this. I love doing this. Hmm. I absolutely love doing it. I love these conversations and yeah, maybe I didn’t get great sleep last night, but the adrenaline, you know, can pull me through and I can rest later and so on so no matter what the negative thought is, there is a way, if you take a moment to tweak it and twist.

[00:10:27] Miriam: Sure. That’s kind of how I deal with it. I agree entirely. And I’m gonna ask you to elaborate a teeny bit more because what I find with most people is that they’re not even aware of what they’re thinking. And so there’s this step before. How do you change your negative thinking to how do you even hear your negative thinking?

Awareness is Everything

[00:10:47] Tina: So you’re absolutely right. Awareness is everything.

[00:10:50] And the definition for mindfulness is being aware in the present moment without judgment.

[00:10:59] . The [00:11:00] body gets trigger. Before the mind. We have 175 milliseconds from the time and event happens until the time that we’re aware that it happens. It’s like half of a blink of an eye.

[00:11:11] Yeah. So if you want to change, the first thing that you wanna do is you wanna notice soon as you start to get triggered, what does it feel like when you get criticized by your boss? Well, my body tightens up. That’s your signal.

[00:11:28] There it is.

[00:11:29] That’s your signal. So the way that I, do it, it goes cut, reframe response. So cut means soon as you notice it, stop just. I liken it kind of like it to a movie. Yeah. You know, and you’re slowing down the movie frame by frame, by frame. Okay. Now we can see what’s happening. Okay. Then the next step is notice , notice the thoughts and the feelings that are running through the body.

[00:11:57] Again, just like you’re slowing down that movie. [00:12:00] And then lastly is respond. Choose to respond differently. You have an option rather than reacting in that same old, way.

[00:12:07] Take Time to Pause

[00:12:07] Miriam: Absolutely. You’re speaking my language. I say stuff like this too. I think that one of the challenges that I have had with the people I work with is that they’re very busy and they live at a very fast pace and getting them motivated.

[00:12:21] To pause.

[00:12:22] For anybody interested in this topic deeper besel VanDerKolk has a book called The Body Keeps the Score. Yes. It’s pretty technical, but it talks about how this stuff lives in our body. If we wanna catch our thoughts, we have to catch what’s happening within us.

[00:12:38] And then you’re off to the races because wow. We don’t realize the terrible things we think about ourselves and. Those things keep us squished down into smaller versions of ourselves.

[00:12:51] I wanna shift a little bit. That was fantastic. How can people recognize when they’re in or out of focus?


[00:12:58] Tina: I might be sitting [00:13:00] here. And I’ve got a list of things that I, that I’m wanting to do or needing to do. And I’ll say to myself, you’re all over the place. Mm. You know, you’re not doing this, you’re not doing that. You’re getting distracted. You know, you’re looking at your mail. Again, so the whole thing that we’re talking about, Miriam, more than anything is awareness.

[00:13:22] Yeah. You can’t change anything if you’re not aware. So how quickly can you start to tune in to what’s happening in here? When you do this work and you do it over and over and over again, you have neural pathways that you have created that bypass a lot of the same old, same old stuff.

[00:13:41] So it’s not like I don’t get distracted cuz I do. I just catch it pretty quickly. And so once I catch it, then I start to have an antidote.

[00:13:51] I took a, a wonderful course. It was called the neuroscience of the flow state. And again, it’s peak performance

[00:13:57] but basically when we [00:14:00] talk about flow and, and, where everything is clicking for you and, and, you know, time expands actually.


[00:14:06] Most of us think that it’s a hit or miss kind of situation, but it actually, you can train yourself

[00:14:12] when you’re hyperfocused, your dopamine level is very, very high.

[00:14:17] You can only kind of do that, honestly. 90 minutes. You know, some people two hours maybe at tops.

[00:14:25] So the way I plan my day those things that require me to think to really, really think or write or that hyper focus I’m gonna do early in the morning. .

[00:14:34] We wanna be hyper focused when we’re doing this concentrated work, then we wanna do the opposite. We wanna let the mind wander. You know, when you’re in the shower or you’re gardening or you’re walking and oh, ah, I could do this.

[00:14:48] Oh I, and so the creative mind gets an opportunity. The right brain gets an opportunity cause there’s different hormones now that are starting to kick in and then we can go back to work.

[00:14:59] . And we’re gonna have that [00:15:00] much better concentration. And then we need another one of those breaks. So for people who are, , these high power.

[00:15:06] I don’t have time. I don’t have time. Every single minute, is scheduled. They’re working against their own peak potential. , because we can’t function at that level over long periods of time.

Take a Break

[00:15:18] Miriam: I would agree. They think that they can, but if you actually look at their performance, they do better

[00:15:24] if they just take a tiny break, you have to kind of find your own rhythm, is it every hour? Is it every hour and a half?

[00:15:30] I have people ask me constantly, will I do two hour sessions? And I say, no,

[00:15:35] And they’re like, well, we’ll pay you X amount or whatever. And I say, no, no, it isn’t how I like to work.

[00:15:39] My brain wants to work this amount of time. And then it wants a break. Right? And I’m happy to meet with you two days in a row, but I am not happy to meet with you two hours in a day. I can do it, but it’s just not my favorite.

[00:15:52] Tina: I just had a fabulous interview with a guy who is works for Deloitte big financial firm. Now he has a little opportunity to look [00:16:00] back.

[00:16:00] And he said, I was saying all the time I was doing it for them. I was working 12, 15 hours a for them. He said, but no, I was really driven by me. Yeah. You know, thinking that this is what I needed to do in order to be successful. And he said it had consequences.

[00:16:55] Self-Sabotage in Mindset and Behavior

[00:16:55] Miriam: What are the ways you see people self sabotaging themselves, [00:17:00] either in their mindset or in their behaviors?

[00:17:02] Tina: Earlier in my career and I was seeing people all over the board, so just all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds.

[00:17:09] and so the level of awareness was less mm-hmm I believe that what we’re talking  good mental health is not a natural sport. It’s a learned sport. Yeah. We learn a lot from our parents, but I know that your parents or my parents never had this kind of training that you were already talking about.

[00:17:27] Right. So my parents came from the school of, of common sense and hard knocks and they, and that took us a long way. But my mother, God bless her didn’t have a mean bone in her body, but she was a master manipulator and she could triangulate the family.

[00:17:43]  I wanna ask my father something, I’d go ask my mother and she’d go through my father and you know, all these different kinds of things that we know now as trained professionals. Get into get us into trouble. Yeah. And so just like a good business, a good business. If you have this going for you and not going for you and [00:18:00] your numbers are good and your marketing and your sales and your, it, it works.

[00:18:03] It works. Yeah. And it’s the same thing. Like a human being. You know, when we have our boundary set straight and we know how to communicate, and we have this level of awareness and we have a level of authenticity and, and we work, you know, again, it’s, it’s like they say an AA, you know, the program works if you work it and it, and it does.

[00:18:23] So when I’m seeing people who are just not as educated in this field, they have more work to.

[00:18:30] When you don’t have the level of awareness, you walk into your own mess, you walk into situations and you don’t even realize it. And, and you really don’t have the skill to get yourself out. Yeah, until you go to school in some way, it could be the school of hard knocks, you know, and, and, and run up against something over and over again, which raises your level of awareness, which then you decide I need to, I work on this.

[00:18:52] Blind Spots

[00:18:52] Tina: We all have blind spots. Yeah. Wouldn’t you like to know yours because everybody else knows though.

[00:18:58] Miriam: Oh my goodness. Yes. If [00:19:00] only we could get people to tell us kindly in a way that we could hear.

[00:19:04] People do sometimes tell us, but they tell us in anger

[00:19:08] I was thinking about. This morning I was doing an equine session.

[00:19:13] The horses are honest and they tell you. What your blind spots are.

[00:19:18] And it’s fascinating to have someone say, oh my gosh, you, we talked about this in the office. Now I understand right, right. Because they had an experience within themselves and they could see their ineffective behaviors at play.

[00:19:34] Tina: Yes.

[00:19:34] The Three I’s

[00:19:34] Tina: So I think in terms of how we sabotage the way it shows.

[00:19:39] Is, we hit up against a wall mm-hmm , whatever that wall is, it could be our relationships. You know, our kids might be really mad at us or we’re drinking too much, or we’re smoking too much marijuana or we’re not coming home at night or we’re working 18 hours a day, or it could be any number of things.

[00:19:57]  I have, I have a little. Way [00:20:00] that I look at the, the process of transformation mm-hmm and it’s I call it the three I’s.

[00:20:05] Insight

[00:20:05] Tina: So you start out with Insight, which is kind of what we’re talking about. It’s raising this level of awareness. Oh yeah. I see the patterns.

[00:20:13] People think that there might be so many things wrong with them. There’s not, there’s only a couple patterns that we just repeat over and over and over and over and over again.

[00:20:20] Implementation

[00:20:20] Tina: The next I call is Implementation.

[00:20:23] Now we’ve got new skills that we implement into these areas as we notice, oh, I used to do it this way. Let me try this. Let me try this. Let me try this. And I call that the long haul. That’s really where the behavior change really happens. Yeah. And it takes time. We call it self sabotage, but you, and I know that the defense mechanisms that we create, we created for a good reason.

[00:20:48] Miriam: Absolutely.

[00:20:49] Tina: They were survival mechanisms and they will not. Will not just go away and disappear. That’s why the self-loathing just doesn’t work. Cuz all you’re doing is doing what was done [00:21:00] to you as a kid. You know, I hate, hate that. I hate when I do that or oh, you know, hear parents, you know, criticizing you.

[00:21:07] So we have to be able to have compassion for that. Part of us understand the purpose that it’s serving because all behavior has a positive intent. It’s all intended to protect us in some way or another. Yeah. So it’s a dance, there’s a part of us that’ll give, you know, let us do something and then it won’t, and then we negotiate.

[00:21:29]  The unconscious needs to trust that this new behavior is gonna take care of us in a way that the old behavior did when we were kids.

[00:21:36] Integration

[00:21:36] Tina: And then, and the last thing is, is Is Integration where it becomes second nature.

[00:21:41] Miriam:  Was gonna guess that was your third “I”- integration. Yes.

[00:21:44] One of the things that you mentioned earlier you still have this issue or this issue, but you just catch it quicker. I think that the longer you spend watching yourself looking at these patterns, looking for the self-growth spaces, The [00:22:00] more quickly, you are able to absolutely notice you notice the subtle things and you’re like, this is going to happen.

[00:22:08] I can tell I am headed this direction. And then you can take action on that. And it doesn’t have to be the same episode, you know, it’s, I know there’s some shows that are basically the same episode over and over and over. They just change the people’s clothes or the person’s name it’s like. It doesn’t have to be that way.

[00:22:26] But also you were talking about this power of transformation. And I guess I, I wanna throw in there that not everybody transforms. You have to actually want it just because you’re on the day on the planet another day doesn’t mean you’re going to be wiser. It takes effort to yes.

[00:22:46] Bring about what you’re talking about.

[00:22:48] It Takes Effort

[00:22:48] Tina: It does. And the other thing that I, I really wanna put a plug in for, sometimes we feel like we want to do it and we just can’t. Yeah. And things like [00:23:00] depression or anxiety or, you know, bipolar disorder or things that are real that have a chemical base to it. That we’ve had so much shame around.

[00:23:11] When you haven’t been able to move forward and you’ve tried this and you’ve tried the things that you and I are talking about and they still don’t work. That means that there’s something else that’s going on that has not yet been addressed.

[00:23:23] Yes. And so I, I, I really, I just had a conversation with somebody who was talking about his, his you know, 30 year old daughter and the issues that she was having and you know, in school and in a master’s program and couldn’t get out of bed and. I said, we gotta make sure that that medication is really working or, or she can’t stop thinking about something or we have to make sure that she, you know, the OCD may be, may be in there.

[00:23:47] So this is the time now that we have the privilege to talk about that these things go on. Yeah. And would just encourage people don’t give up because there are answers. These things are treatable.

[00:23:59] [00:24:00] Everything, you know, this is a holistic approach, mind, body, spirit, and emotion,

[00:24:05] Miriam: I appreciate that hope because a lot of times it’s easy to get down on yourself while I’ve tried and I’ve tried and, and this hasn’t shifted and I appreciate you saying, well, we’re not done yet.

[00:24:15] There’s still more to, to push into.

[00:24:18] Starting and Owning a Business

[00:24:18] Miriam: You are a business owner and mm-hmm what would you say has surprised you about owning a business and, and working with people?

[00:24:25] Tina: Okay, so I have started five private practices.

[00:24:29] Mm-hmm all those places that I mentioned that I moved to I started over because it wasn’t until the last move. When I moved out to California, that the internet could come with me. Yes, as I could bring my clients with me online. So I got really good at starting private practices. I got divorced in 2004, 2005. And I knew that if I didn’t scale my business, I could never retire. Cuz that was just one on one, you know, just me.

[00:24:57] So I started taking [00:25:00] business coaching courses.

Five Year Plan

[00:25:02] I walk into one training at one point and this very, very wise business strategist said to me, so what’s your five year plan.

[00:25:11] My my five year plan. I mean, I don’t know, I, this looks like the next best thing to do. I realized that there was a lot that I didn’t know.

[00:25:20] One of my friends said to me, she said, don’t ever take a coaching, you know, sign on with a coach without getting three really good live referrals.

[00:25:30] Not necessarily just their testimonials on their website, but really getting live referrals. Mm-hmm of people that have successfully gotten to a place where that person said that they could take them. Mm.

[00:25:41] I’m not great at the financial, you know, projections and the planning. And I don’t, I don’t have an MBA, but I needed an MBA. I needed that person who could look at the numbers in a way that I can, if you explain it to me, I can get it, you know, but that’s not my, that’s not my genius.

[00:25:59] So I have [00:26:00] a really good friend who says, if it’s not your genius, it’s not your job.

[00:26:03] I like it

[00:26:04] I have a wonderful team. Now I have a genius bookkeeper who, and, and a tax planner and somebody that’s helping me with LinkedIn and my social media and, and the artwork. And my son is a content marketer.

[00:26:19] And there you go. And all the things that. Don’t do well. Don’t enjoy, I’m not trained in that. – I have the time to do this. That I absolutely love doing.

Founder vs Solo Entrepreneur

[00:26:31] Another fellow that I did some work with, he said the difference between a founder and a solo entrepreneur is the founder has a team.

[00:26:38] Yeah.

[00:26:39] And I was a, solo entrepreneur for a very long time. Sure. You know, really working to do everything.

[00:26:45] The other thing that I would also offer is “trading” is really good. Mm-hmm, bartering with people who have services of things that you really need, and they need you, and you need them. Some of my [00:27:00] most valuable, valuable, you know, people and, and advice and, and help I’ve gotten through through bartering.

[00:27:06] So if you don’t have the money, it’s, it’s a really good way to, you know, to kind of move through some of those really early stages.

[00:27:12] Miriam: Yeah. It’s good. Because whenever you start anything, there is this space where you’re just trying to figure it all out. You don’t even know what you need. Don’t know.

[00:27:24] You don’t know, you don’t know what you don’t know.

[00:27:25] You don’t know what you don’t know. Yeah. And then you have to launch into this space where no, I could do it, or I should be able to do it, or I don’t know who to hire. And at some point you hire someone and you find out how much better they make your life, and then you’re free to do what you’re the best at

[00:27:44]  I appreciate you using the word, your, your own genius. That is yes. What we each need to do is figure out what our own genius is and then do it and then give other people jobs. So they can do the other stuff. We’re not good at exactly. So exactly.

[00:27:59] Mastery Under Pressure

[00:27:59] Miriam: What do you [00:28:00] think that you are chasing at this stage in your life?

[00:28:03] Tina: I know exactly what I’m chasing and I’ve been chasing it for a long time. I’m getting a lot closer. I really want this business to make a huge impact. All the things that we’re talking about, I believe so strongly. People just don’t know. how To do the work that we’re talking about. I’m really a teacher at heart.

[00:28:21] And so my passion is to spread Mastery Under Pressure, I remember when I moved into New York city and somebody said, How many therapists there are. I said, do you know how many people need help?

[00:28:31] So what I’m chasing is to be able to do this at a really big impact level. Nice. Yeah.

[00:28:39] Miriam: You spoke a little bit about your book Mastery Under Pressure, and I’m gonna ask you in a minute kind of how and where we can find that.

[00:28:46] But what is another book that you would recommend that you felt like was life changing or you give to other people or is a good resource?

[00:28:57] Tina: Jack Canfield. Mm-hmm has the [00:29:00] book called the success principles?

[00:29:02] I’m in a small little mastermind group. We’re all business people and interested in personal and spiritual growth. So that was one of them, Tony Robbins book an old, an old one Awakening the Giant Within. also really, really good book.

[00:29:16] I’m reading this one right now, which I think is really interesting.

[00:29:19] Never split the difference. It’s a negotiating book. And this guy was an FBI negotiator hostage probably still is. But what’s really interesting. Is the things that he talks about in terms of being a good negotiator, is, is that level of empathy and getting somebody, whether you’re negotiating for a job or a salary or with your kids, or it’s I hear you, you know, the most basic thing that people want is to be heard.

[00:29:46] How to Find Tina

[00:29:46] Miriam: I bet you could recommend 10 or 15, but we’re gonna stop at three. that’s very good. Why don’t you share where people can find you?

[00:29:55] Tina: So my book is on Amazon. It’s also on my website, which is mastery under [00:30:00] pressure.com.

[00:30:00] And I also have a quiz it’s called mastery under pressure.net. So you could take a quiz and see where you sit on this focus, relaxation, dealing with negative. Self-talk how to visualize in dealing with fear. So that’s kind of a fun thing to do, and you get a little report back, but just even taking the test kinda, oh, I never thought about that.

[00:30:21] Yeah. And Yeah, just look up my name. I’ve got lots of podcasts, lots of things on YouTube. Just trying to share it, share the message.

[00:30:28] Miriam: I’m very excited. I’ve of course I’m gonna spend some time checking those things out. And Tina, this has been just lovely. I mentioned before we started that we wanted to gift you with a donation in your name from one of four charities and you chose the Shedrick wildlife trust.

[00:30:45] I’m so excited about that. Because we’re gonna sign you up with a little girl elephant. Who’s been orphaned and you’re gonna get monthly updates. And that’s another way that you will be doing good in the world, even across an ocean. So [00:31:00] thank you so much for the gift of your time and your wisdom. What a joy.

[00:31:04] Tina: Thanks, Miriam. Thank you so much. It was such a pleasure. The same.


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Music by Tom Sherlock.

head shot Miriam Gunn

If you are curious to know more, please contact me!

As someone who has been a therapist for over a decade and has been coaching people for over three decades, I am uniquely qualified to address your concerns.