
Setting Up a Business Without Sabotaging Yourself in 7 Clear Steps.

Road map with 7 steps to beginning a business

Setting Up a Business Without Sabotaging Yourself in 7 Clear Steps

Setting up a business without sabotaging yourself— these 7 steps will help you avoid common pitfalls if you are thinking about starting a business. It is an exciting thing to start your own business, however, there are so many details and things to think about and ways you can get in your own way.

While there are many individual steps, also, there is a simple structure that all businesses need to engage with before becoming a viable entity.

The following article gives 7 steps to setting up a business without sabotaging yourself.


Road map with 7 steps to beginning a business

Road map with 7 steps to beginning a business


1. Create a Clear Mission Statement 

A mission statement clearly states what your company is doing and why. One of the ways companies and owners sabotage themselves creating their mission statement is that they formulate elaborate mission statements that encompass all sorts of company values. As a result, it gets so idealistic and cumbersome that no one can remember it or articulate it well.

A mission statement needs to be so simple that it can be remembered by every member of the company. Similarly, it needs to be so easy to understand that the customer immediately gets why you do what you do.

Often, a company will have an internal mission statement, with some quantifiable metrics. For example, “We will get a walker into the hands of every elderly and disabled person in the United States by the year 2025.”

The Outward and Inward Mission Statements

Usually, there is also an outward facing mission statement that explains the “why” of the business. For instance: Our mission is to get a walker into the hands of every elderly and disabled person because everyone deserves to have mobility and quality of life.

The internal mission statement clarifies “what,” to “whom,” by “when” (a date on the calendar). Similarly, it helps keep your team motivated and it is exceedingly clear what they are supposed to be working on and toward. The external mission statement helps your customers know how you can serve them. In other words, it tells them WHY you want to bring them this service.

Importantly, it follows then that creating a clear mission statement is an essential step toward setting up your business. Emphasis on “clear.” In other words, don’t sabotage yourself by getting too broad and not focusing on the correct activities to help you succeed. With a clear mission statement, your team and your customers know exactly where to put their focus. 

If you would like help creating a mission statement, consider hiring a Business Made Simple Coach.

2. Define a product offering

In this paragraph, I want to talk about how to not sabotage yourself with your product offerings. Many companies struggle to narrow their focus to a specific and clear product offering. For example, they have a vague sense of what they offer, or they offer too many things.  Moreover, then the marketing and messaging gets a bit mushy. 

I heard one billionaire entrepreneur say the other day: Create your marketing materials first and then create the product. I believe he knows that until you can describe it succinctly to others, you will struggle to create the item with the focus that it needs.

Above all, get very clear about as many of the variables about your product as possible. Firstly, Is this a physical product? A digital one? Or maybe even both! It can be a service or a thing. Secondly, as you become more defined in your product offering, everything else also falls into place like your marketing, your budgets for production, your hiring needs, etc.

Clarity is always your friend and lack of said clarity is one of the common ways owners, CEOs and marketing departments sabotage the over-all effort.

3. Define your pricing and payment terms, and other variables related to your customer.

Remember what I said about clarity and the product offering? This holds true for the other variables related to your customer as well. Check out my article regarding improving your customer’s journey for a more in-depth look at this topic. However, in this paragraph, I want to help you avoid sabotaging your customer service efforts specifically. 

How clear are your payment methods? What will you charge? How will you get paid? Will there be any exceptions? What will your guarantee be? Do you know what your refund policy will be? What will your direct customer service look like? All of these things are part of the pricing and payment umbrella and they each deserve their own section. 

The latter questions will be discussed in a later article—the bare bones of this is that you have to decide what your pricing is and how you will collect money. Here’s an interesting question: will you accept cryptocurrency? This isn’t a big deal quite yet, but I believe it is going to be on in the near future! 

It goes without saying that this can get tricky if your product is expensive—will you allow people to make installments? What happens if they pay for part, but not all of the purchase price? If this is a subscription, and they ask for money to be refunded months after the fact, because they didn’t use the service—all of these contingencies eventually need to be hammered out. This is a vital step to setting up your business without sabotaging yourself, and failure to have clarity here (i.e. making exceptions for everyone and deciding on the fly) is one of the ways businesses sabotage their schedule and energy.

4. Define the forms and templates you want to use and then create them.

Hooray for some nice concrete parts of the business that many people enjoy, because it feels like they are DOING something! 

However, depending on the kind of business you create, you may want a proposal template. First, you will want an invoice and second, a receipt template. Third, depending on the product, you may need a contract template.

There are many free resources on the internet, so I suggest you look at several before you decide on the forms you need to utilize. Above all, this section gets you to think of these things ahead of time and create them before you need them, so that you aren’t scrambling as the need arrises. Similarly, the template is to keep you from having to reinvent the wheel each time.

This is a fun activity where you get to put your name and your logo on these documents and it feels like, wow! You are getting somewhere with this business. This is one of the fun steps to setting up your business!

My one caution here is to avoid investing too much time and resources into this, because the likelihood of it iterating quite a bit at the front end is high. I wish I had back all the money invested in URLs for my fictitious companies. Give yourself permission to work out some of the kinks before you invest heavily in design and logos.

In 5. Get your legal forms filled out and submitted. 

In this paragraph, let’s discuss legal forms. Some people would say that this is the first step to setting up your business, but I’m going to disagree. 

A lot of iteration that happens in business. In addition, when you set up your company with the government, there are many choices you have to make at that juncture. Name, website url, etc. Part of the reason the government has a DBA (doing business as) category is that it is a PAIN to change all these forms and names and tax IDs—but often, people realize later, down the road, that they need to change their name. In addition, they don’t want to create (and pay the fees) for a whole new business entity. 

So, my recommendation is to spend some time really honing in on your mission and your product, before you make it legal and official. (However DO make it legal and official before you start selling products!).

Business Cards and the Like

I know business owners who have spent a small fortune on business cards, letter head, website development, all to change it and go through the whole process again, because they have shifted their focus or changed their name. The business cards and physical items are very fun, because it makes it feel like the business is up and running and viable, but really, until you sell something, this is a bit of an illusion. Get very clear, then register your business, then order the logged apparel.  

Here is a place where people sabotage themselves at the front end: They try to DIY everything. Talk to your tax guy about the forms that are necessary for your type of business and your location. If anything involves large sums of money, pay the $300 / hour for short session with an attorney who specializes in business.  The DOES make a difference in the long run and it will save you time and money down the road. 

6. Determining the banking tools you need is a critical step in setting up your business without sabotaging yourself.

Want to know a large sabotag-y no-no? Mingling, co-mingling, mixing business and personal finances. Yes, I know you know.  And I also know you do it, as do many people, especially at the front end of a business.

In this paragraph, I’m going to hound you to keep your business finances separate from your personal ones. The point of business (besides altruistically providing a service for other humans) is to make money! And nothing gets messier than having co-mingled accounts. As your business grows it gets so difficult to see accurately what is happening when there is no clear separation between personal and business finances.

Of course, a business bank account separate from your own checking / savings account is a must! However, many new entrepreneurs let everything co-mingle in the early stages of their business.  I would say, once you have the business as a registered entity, give it a separate bank account. In addition to making things easier for you, your tax person will thank you! (And if you are your tax person, you will thank yourself too!) Lastly, this removes so many headaches down the road.

Next, you need to establish an account with a method of taking payments (like square, etc.) 

Finally, I would suggest reading a book like Profit First or looking into something like Business Made Simple—they have a simple accounting method that helps you make sense of the money coming in and going out of your business venture. Also, keeping finances separate allows you to more accurately monitor your cash flow.

Check out my article on Cash Flow for a more in-depth look at this topic.

7. Determine where you will conduct your business, aka “do I need an office.”

You need to determine where you will run your business. Do you need to rent an office? Perhaps. However, if you don’t need to rent one immediately, this is a great expense to save for later. For instance, since the 2020 pandemic, many business that formerly thought they needed a physical location have since discovered that they actually don’t. Consequently, they have saved thousands of dollars by not renewing their lease.

One of the ways I see young businesses sabotage themselves is by spending more money than their business can support. It is easy to think that you will begin earning revenue quickly (and perhaps you will). However, I have seen companies raise large amounts of seed money (i.e. in the millions) and still run out of runway before their product is finished or launched. If you don’t have to rent an office, don’t. Cut costs by renting a less expensive office, if you can. Or see if you can get a shorter lease in the event cash flow becomes an issue. Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. Jim Collins (in Good to Great, called this productive paranoia).

In conclusion, with the early stages of a business, you need to keep your overhead low, so that you don’t find yourself running low on cash. In other words, this is one of the early killers of new business and one that creates a tremendous amount of stress for the owner.

Summary: here are 7 Steps to Setting up a Business Without Sabotaging Yourself:

      1. Create a clear mission statement.
      2. Define a product offering
      3. Create your pricing and payment terms, along with other variables related to your customer.
      4. Define the forms and templates you want to use and then create them.
      5. Get your legal forms filled out and submitted. 
      6. Determine the banking tools you want to use is a critical step as you set up your business.
      7. Determine where you will conduct your business.

If you begin with these 7 steps to setting up a business, you will be well on your way.

If you would like help with any of these, consider hiring a coach! At Leavebetter.com we believe that everyone should be able to win in business and in life!

head shot Miriam Gunn

If you find this helpful in the functioning and success of your business, consider hiring LeaveBetter for some additional coaching.

There are many other topics like these in key realms of business development that are strategic to the ongoing development of your business and life.

Reach out to me and we can get started working on that, or on your personalized Life Plan. As a certified coach and therapist, this is what I do best: helping people like you achieve the skills you need to reach your next level in your business and life.

Why Should I Hire a Business Made Simple Coach?

Web - Business Made Simple Coach

If you are a business owner seeking to increase your focus and boost your business, chances are you have heard of the Business Made Simple program. You may have even enrolled in it and started to make the changes necessary to increase your business health. A common question that many entrepreneurs ask is, “Will hiring a coach help my business?” And more specifically, “Should I hire a Business Made Simple coach?” 

It’s also possible that you feel stuck or like you’ve hit a wall in terms of your ability to action what you know is necessary to move your company forward. Let’s face it—you know going it alone is both “faster” and “slower” at the same time. 

Perhaps you are considering hiring a Business Made Simple coach to help you on your journey.

Now the real question is:

Should I Hire a Business Made Simple Coach?


Let’s look at some common questions owners of businesses have and see if you come away with more clarity.

Who are BMS coaches and what do they do? 

Web - Business Made Simple Coach BLACK

These engaging people have completed a certification program through BusinessMadeSimple.com. Their mission is to help business owners utilize the information that they have gotten via their BMS course subscription. 

While there are other coaching programs, these programs do not address the material created within the BMS platform. When you hire a Business Made Simple coach, you get a coach who understands the mechanics of business. This person truly desires to help your business succeed.

Let me back up a minute. If you are unfamiliar with Business Made Simple (BMS), here is a bit of history. BMS is a subset of StoryBrand, created by Donald Miller. StoryBrand puts out Business Made Simple Daily. These are series of emails designed to help growing businesses succeed and scale. In addition to the emails and classes, there is a coaching program, which is the focus of this post.

If you hire a Business Made Simple coach, will this actually help you grow your company?

The simple answer is “Possibly.”

Hiring a Business Made Simple coach can grow your business by helping you identify and take the steps that move your business forward. You can’t grow without a clear path and this is exactly what a coach helps you create. They will help you assess the various parts of a company. They will look at your marketing, sales, strategic plan, overall vision, mission statement, communication, leadership, etc.

When you assess and then address these components of your business, you are certain to find some areas that can be improved.  If you take action on these, your company moves along its trajectory, with positive change.

This in turn will lead to increased value within your company.

The only reason I said, “possibly” instead of a resounding “YES!” is that if you Hire a Business Made Simple coach, it requires a partnership between you and the coach. 

As both a therapist and a coach, I have seen many people who are willing to pay money and spend time but do nothing.  Talking can be useful to a point, but then you have to DO something.  You have to make changes.

Hiring a coach is not like hiring a contractor.  The contractor does the work for you.  A coach, coaches you as you do the work, making the decisions for your company.

If you take the time to assess your company and then make positive changes, your company WILL grow in the way it needs to.


What is the cost to hire a Business Made Simple coach? 

This is quite variable. Coaching can cost anywhere from about $3-10K / quarter. If you delve into the coaching realm, you can find all manner of packages and prices.

Some coaches sell their time by the session. Others sell by the quarter or year. Costs are often based on the location of the coach and the years of experience and training.

At LeaveBetter Coaching (Business Made Simple Certified), we sell our coaching packages by the quarter (or year for a discount).

Is hiring a BMS coach worth the money?

It can be.

This depends on what your company’s revenue is and whether or not you are poised to do the work. As mentioned above, coaching can further your business if you are willing to take action.

Other Coaches You’ve Had


If you think about when you were a kid and you took music lessons—your teacher was a coach. They gave you specific things to practice and you did (hopefully!) and then came back the next week for some fine-tuning and a new challenge.

Or think about sports when you were in high school. If you were lucky, you had a good coach who built you up and gave you specific instructions on how to get better. Well then, you already know how excellent coaching can further your natural abilities!

If you were one of those kids who never practiced and kind of blew your childhood coaches off, then it’s entirely possible that you will do the same with a business coach, in which case, it might not be worth the money.

However, people can grow and change and as someone who has been on the receiving end of some great inside out coaching, I know it revolutionized the way I think about business and it increased my bottom line exponentially.

At this point, you may be asking yourself “Do I actually need a business coach when I can just take online courses?” 

This is a great question! 

Many entrepreneurs are DIYers. We are inclined to simply do our own research via the web and move forward.

However, the downside to this that there is an overwhelming amount of material, and not all of it is good. 

It is also easy to get distracted—for example, to fall into you-tube sinkholes—because you have no one to be accountable to but yourself.

An experienced business coach helps you expedite your process, setting you on a path to your desired results in a more straightforward way. Here, there is built-in accountability.

Several times during my stints of receiving coaching I said, “Ugh! I have to get this done by tomorrow because I told my coach that I would have it done by then!” This moved my business forward more than you might think.

Another perk of working with a coach is the camaraderie and bond that you build during your journey. Why go it alone when you can have a knowledgeable professional in your corner?

If I hire a Business Made Simple coach, how will this make my company more profitable? 

Your coach challenges you to take those ‘next steps’ to create bigger, better products that you are able to charge more for. They challenge you to close the loop on things that have been left hanging. (Things like invoices!)

Have you been struggling with creating a new revenue stream?

Your coach undoubtedly has insights that you can discover together. Having a coach to work with helps you to see your company in a new way and flesh out ideas for increasing profit that may have been hiding in plain sight.

Simply put, as you develop a close relationship with your coach, they help you overcome the obstacles that are holding you back. 

We all know: The path to profitability is not a straight line. 

A great coach understands not only this concept but will also be able to help guide you down a path with understanding and keen insight.

How are BMS coaches different from other business or life coaches? 

Business Made Simple Coaches are trained to work WITH the BMS classes and their ethos. This means that they are proficient in Business Made Simple systems and have access to an entire community dedicated to helping you grow your company. 

Not all business coaches can assist in your professional development the way BMS coaches can. This system is designed to create coaches who not only provide insight and problem-solving but are adept at recognizing the strengths, weaknesses, and subtle nuances that make your business different from others. This is not a “one size fits all” coaching solution, but rather a tailored approach.


In Summary:

You are considering getting a coach and you wonder if there is a difference—should you hire a Business Made Simple coach? 

Our answer at LeaveBetter Coaching is YES!

A BMS-certified coach can help remove those roadblocks that you experience inside of your business. They integrate the online material regarding communication, marketing, sales, etc with your own business and your own challenges. 

Yes, you can figure it out alone. But, why would you, when you can have someone help you and speed up the process? 

One last comment: people tend to think of the cost of coaching as a deterrent. However, I look at it as an investment. If you walk away with 2x or 3x or 10x of what you were previously making, then doesn’t the investment seem worth your time and energy? Or if they help you hire a better team (or remove people for a better team) isn’t this better for your bottom line?

With the right coach and also the right engagement from you, this increased ROI is what you could be looking at.


head shot Miriam Gunn

If you are curious to know more, please contact me!

As someone who has been a therapist for over a decade and has been coaching people for over three decades, I am uniquely qualified to address your concerns.

Reduce Sales Sabotage by Improving Your Customer’s Journey


Get results—for YOU and your company!

Reduce Sales Sabotage by Creating A Better Customer Experience


How to Reduce Sales Sabotage by Improving Your Customer’s Journey


Wondering how to reduce sales sabotage by improving your customer’s journey?

Regardless of the type of business you own (or are thinking of creating), there are several things that can sabotage these efforts. We all have had the experience (similar to fishing) where we think we have a sale in the bag and then somewhere along the line, we lose the customer.

What gets in the way? Friction.

The other day, I was trying to purchase some plane tickets and the website was not working correctly.  I struggled for over an hour and then decided to try customer service. I had to wade (fruitlessly) through several web pages, looking for a way to engage in a chat, which was non-existent. Then I looked for a way to call, but all the numbers were international and I did not have this service on my phone. Finally, I found a way to call someone in the US, and the line was garbled, the person had a very thick accent and spoke quickly. I couldn’t understand a word they said. I got off the phone with no more help than I started and in the end I gave up. That was an $1900 lost sale to that company (three international tickets). It was just TOO MUCH FRICTION.

The fewer hurdles your customer experiences along their journey, the more likely they are to purchase from you, stick with you, and refer others to you. Here are several things you can do to reduce sales sabotage by improving your customer’s journey.

Related: check out this article which also expands on ways to avoid sabotage in the creation of your business.

Remove Confusion by Creating a Service-Level Agreement

This is a document that tells you how you will engage with the customer (like product will ship in 24 hours. Or we will respond within the business day. How about no hassle refunds?

It is interesting how many businesses (at least initially) will not have standard procedures for how they will conduct business.  It follows then that this lack of “systems” will tax all those working in the business, because things will have to be decided over and over. Of course, these procedures can be iterated, of course, but they do have to be established and then utilized if you want to help your customer have a smooth journey.

It also helps to have these procedures in place for the non-customer-facing parts of the business.  For example, if the emails come out on a specific date, then people both in and outside of the business know what to expect.

You can use some software like zendesk to track these sorts of interactions, to make sure that you are keeping your agreement. 

Creating a service level agreement will help reduce sales sabotage by improving your customer’s journey.

Create FAQs for the common questions customers ask. 

Add some of this info to your web copy, so that the customer knows this information even before they buy. Make this section easy to find (and possibly have it in a couple of places.  What you are trying to do is reduce the frustration a customer has.

Sometimes the FAQ section helps reduce the friction between the customer’s internal roadblocks to purchasing the product and the actual purchase.

To sum things up—if you want to reduce sales sabotage by improving your customer’s journey, have an FAQ section, make it easy to find. Enough said.


photo-of-people-holding-each-other-s-hands-3184424, business made simple coaching




Empower your Customer Service Team

If your people have to check in with their supervisor for every concession, you will lose sales and revenue. Think about the last time you were on some sort of call with some “help” person, asking a question or for an exception. When you hear the dreaded words, “let me go ask my supervisor” how likely are you to hang up? Or at least to want to hang up? I know I get supremely irritated at these delays (and I actually am a fairly patient person!)

Empower your team to upsell products to further solve customer’s problems.  Or to add bonuses to customers to prevent refunds or to enable a renewal of a subscription. Make it easy for your team to solve your customer’s problems without involving you. It goes without saying that everyone will be more grateful in the end.

If you want to reduce sales sabotage by improving your customer’s journey, empower your team to do so.


Streamline Your Payments

How many people bounce off a site or change their mind if the payment taking process is cumbersome?  Many.  Lots.  A ton.  I, myself, am extremely guilty of this.  If it is hard, if I have to wait, I leave the site. However, if you make it easy and painless to take payments, impulsive people are already through the process before they can change their mind. And those who are more thoughtful about purchasing internally comment on how easy and seamless the process is.  Consumers value a great customer journey.


Have a dedicated place to capture customer feedback

Where is that place where you team can see what customer like and complain about? Do they know where it is and are they checking it regularly? Does your team know what the customers are confused about? Is there a sense of the new products customers are expressing a desire for?

You have to have a dedicated way to capture these sentiments (email, twitter, DM from IG, etc). And then you have to have a dedicated space to keep them. Lastly, you have to discuss these at weekly, monthly or quarterly meetings for overall quality management and improvement.

Capturing and then responding to these bits of information from purchasers is a sure way to reduce sales sabotage by improving your customer’s journey.


In summary


  • Create a service-level agreement
  • Create FAQs for the common questions customers ask. 
  • Empower your Customer Service Team
  • Streamline your payments.
  • Have a dedicated place to capture customer feedback.


reduce sales sabotage by improving your customer’s journey and reap the benefits!




Because everyone deserves to win in business AND in life.


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