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So there’s been a massive construction on our street for six weeks now… it’s annoying to constantly have to ask permission or try and figure out a way out of the maze of your own driveway to the outside world, however, it became intensely personal yesterday, when they disconnected our phone and Internet. Hence, no post yesterday.

It didn’t occur to me until today, that I could do this from my phone!

Really, the point is, that when you’re faced with a series of roadblocks, if you try hard enough… Usually there is a way around.

Yesterday, my husband had to drive through a cemetery to get to our house. A couple days before that one of her friends had to park their car several streets up and just walk.

But the point is, that they did get through. I did get to post. Usually, you can do what you want; it just might be harder or cost more or take longer than you thought. But it can be done.