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My husband commented that I looked particularly unhappy when I played my cello with the worship team this week.

There were multiple issues – I had a terrible headache, I was somewhat preoccupied with some deep thoughts, and we recently had a change of leadership due to the impending move of the former leader.

Now I like the new leader just fine – we have been friends for almost 30 years.  But the other leader – he and I are more like allies – we've talked through some really hard stuff on his end and I just enjoy him, plain and simple.

He brings his own unique self to the table and I will miss being a part of that experience in real-time.  He is off on his own Adventure – and I'm glad for him, for sure.  But sad for our loss.  My whole family enjoys him.

Each of us brings something that is needed and missed when it's not brought.  Don't hold back on your unique you-ness.  We need the You that only You possess and only You can bring.

Brad, I'm gonna miss you tons.